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Prof Mona Eskandari — BIOREME Webinar

We are delighted to announce that the next BIOREME Webinar will be presented by Dr Mona Eskandari, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and BREATHE Center at the University of California, Riverside. She earned her Ph.D. from Stanford University and completed her postdoctoral training at the University of California, Berkeley. She is the recipient of several prestigious national and international awards and fellowships. Her areas of expertise include the experimental characterization and computational modeling of pulmonary mechanics. Dr. Eskandari is the principal investigator of the bio-Mechanics Experimental and Computational Health (bMECH) Lab, aiming to inaugurate new avenues for diagnostic techniques and optimize strategies for the medical treatment of lung diseases.

Talk title and abstract

Probing the Mechanics of Artificial Versus Physiological Breathing

In order to understand and mitigate ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI), we compare the mechanics of modern artificial ventilators (positive-pressure ventilation; PPV) to physiological breathing (negative-pressure ventilation; NPV) using an innovative multi-apparatus interface developed in our lab to minimize confounding factors by subjecting the same lung specimens to both loading modes. The analysis of global pressure-volume curves coupled with local tissue-level deformations elucidates this long standing debate in the pulmonary community by providing exclusive evidence demonstrating that although the global response between PPV and NPV may be matched, the organ energetics and viscoelasticity along with the local stretch and distortions of NPV are notably reduced.

Existing BIOREME members will be sent a calendar invite directly, however the talk is open to all. If you are not a BIOREME member and wish to attend you can register to receive the zoom link via the Eventbrite page below.

17 April

A Study Group in Mathematical Modelling with Industry

1 June

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